Sitting for Pain Relief in the Lower Back

 Sitting for Pain Relief in the Lower Back

If you're like the more than 100 million Americans who suffer from back discomfort, you probably want to know how to alleviate lower back pain. Your tale will probably follow a similar pattern. An excessive amount of time each day is spent seated at a computer. On top of that, you can have a lengthy drive to work, during which you might be required to sit for an additional hour or two. Sitting for lengthy periods of time is a major contributor to the problem. While you may not have much control over those factors, you do have control over the knowledge and ease with which you can alleviate lower back discomfort.

If you're suffering from lower back discomfort, getting up and moving around is the first step in finding relief. Relax and loosen up your back muscles. Of all the things to do, this one gets the least attention. Every half an hour to an hour, make it a point to stand up and move around for five minutes.

Before you stand up, stretch in the opposite direction of how you sat. Lean your head and shoulders back as you press your hips forward with your hands on your lower back and hips. While you sing "Happy Birthday" (quietly) a couple times, hold that stretch. Keep still while you extend. Maintain a normal breathing pattern while holding it, and then straighten up. Maintain proper posture as you move about while standing. Finding out how to alleviate lower back pain requires this knowledge.

When looking for ways to alleviate lower back pain, you will discover that poor posture is the main cause of most backaches. Keep your back straight. Bring your shoulders back and your chest forward a little. The correct posture for you is to bend inside rather than outward. Whether you're sitting, standing, or lying down, your spine should be bent forward to create the illusion of a ball pressing against your back.

After a short stroll of no more than five minutes, sit back down with your correct posture. If you want it to look right, it will likely be helpful to have something to support your back. Behind your back, you should have something roughly the size of a fluffy towel rolled up. In its absence, you can use a couple of large rolled-up newspapers, a few magazines, or even a little pillow or piece of foam.

Sit with your hips as fully extended as the seat will allow and your shoulders slightly cocked toward the rear of the chair. To prevent slouching and maintain a somewhat level head position when working at a computer, bring the keyboard closer to you and raise the monitor slightly. An external keyboard is a must-have accessory for laptop users.

They are effective, and there is little to no out-of-pocket expense for treatment or pain medication. If you are looking for a real solution to your lower back discomfort, these are the items you must have.

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