Avoiding and Overcoming the Common Cold
Avoiding and Overcoming the Common Cold
The common cold: what is known about it?No relief. When it comes to colds, antibiotics, which are meant to kill bacteria, have little effect.We are all in danger! Having a cold every once in a while will turn any healthy, robust person into a weak, miserable shell of their former self—whimpering, sneezing, coughing.
So, what's our next move? How about you relax with some tissues, take a couple of cold pills, and see what happens? Probably not! There is a lot more we can do to endure a cold in comfort and, maybe, with less time wasted, according to doctors who focus on self-care medicine. A few pieces of advise from the experts on the issue are presented below.Dr. Keith W. Sehnert of Trinity Health Care in Minneapolis, Minnesota, says that vitamin C acts as a scavenger in the body, collecting all kinds of waste, including viruses. A cold that would normally last seven days may only last two or three days with its help.Taking 500 milligrams of vitamin C four times a day reduced cold symptoms (coughing, sneezing, etc.) by around half, according to studies done at the University of Wisconsin.How can I obtain it the best? Sip it. Vitamin C is abundant in cranberry, orange, and grapefruit juices.Take zinc lozenges orally to reduce the duration of a cold to an average of four days! Additionally, it can alleviate symptoms like a dry, itchy throat. Not everyone has success, but when it happens, it's quite remarkable!Relax — Take a break from work, even if it's just for a day or two! Getting more sleep allows your body to put all of its resources into healing you.Stay Cozy—Bundle up against the cold to keep your immune system cozy. As a result, your body will be able to focus on fighting the cold rather than defending itself.Eat Lightly—Keep away from meals that slow down your metabolism, but don't cut out eating altogether. Cut back on meat, dairy, and other fatty meals and up your intake of fresh produce.The Irregular Folk Remedy of Chicken Soup? No way! Hot chicken soup, according to researchers at Miami Beach's Mount Sinai Medical Center, "appears to possess an additional substance for increasing the flow of nasal mucus," which could be due to its scent or flavor.Scientists claim that this mucus acts as an immune system's initial line of protection, so go ahead and chow down!Water, juice, tea, and other largely clear liquids should be consumed six to eight glasses each day to hydrate the body and flush out pollutants.Do not smoke. Cigarette smoke irritates the throat and limits the cilia's ability to fight infections by sucking bacteria out of the airways and lungs. For the duration of your cold, at least refrain from smoking, even if you don't intend to quit permanently.When you feel a sore throat, Dr. Van Ert of San Francisco suggests gargling with a solution of one teaspoon of salt and one glass of warm water.Having a "hot toddy" or half a glass of wine before bed can help you get a good night's sleep and clear your nose, according to Dr. Caughron, a family practitioner in Charlottesville, Virginia who specializes in preventative health. Restrain yourself! Overconsumption of alcohol might put extra strain on your system and hinder your recovery efforts.Take a Hot Steamy Shower to Ease a Dry Cough and Clear Congestion. Instead, you can create a steam tent by placing a bowl of boiling water over your head and spreading a towel over it.Refrain from Spreading Germs — Instead of sharing tissues, use a disposable one when you cough or blow your nose. After that, wash your hands and dispose of the tissue immediately.medicine—If you opt to use over-the-counter medicine, be sure to carefully follow the directions and take only the amount of medication that alleviates your symptoms.
Seeking non-pharmaceutical options? To combat colds naturally, try drinking teas and herbs that have certain qualities.Elson Haas, M.D. suggests taking herb capsules like echinacea and goldenseal when you first feel the symptoms of a cold. According to him, goldenseal aids in infection clearance by stimulating the liver. Echinacia aids in the removal of harmful chemicals from the body and the cleansing of the blood and lymph glands, which in turn helps to circulate antibodies that fight infections. For as long as two weeks, take one or two pills every day."Can actually kill germs and clear up your cold symptoms more rapidly," Dr. Haas says of garlic, which is well-known for its antibacterial effects. Take two or three oil-free garlic pills three times day, according to his recommendation.For a numbing effect that helps with coughs and sore throats, Dr. Van Ert suggests licorice root tea.Celestial Seasonings and Other Teas A cup of sleepytime tea, made with hops or valarian root, can put you to sleep with its gentle sedative properties. Honey is a simple carbohydrate with a calming effect; add a spoonful for more relaxation.Among the fatty acids that Dr. Van Ert suggests for their antiviral properties is monolaurin, which is available in capsule form. To keep the immune system in tip-top shape to fight off cold viruses, he suggests taking two pills three times a day with food.
Having a cold is something we all have to deal with, but if you can figure out how to make the most of it, you'll be able to recover from it much faster.
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