Overcome Your Cravings for Carbs

Overcome Your Cravings for Carbs 

Is carbohydrate addiction a constant battle for you? Let's finally overcome these urges...

Writing on www.worldwideweightloss.com, Jeff Lugeanbeal

A few weeks back, I had dinner at my folks' house. When I got home early, I asked my mom if there was anything I could do to assist her finish making supper. I was really excited for supper since I could just smell my mom's pot roast roasting in the oven.

I was astounded when I opened the pantry door after she told me to get honey from there. Among the usual suspects was food, but there were plenty more surprises waiting to be discovered in that cupboard. A few examples include: crackers, cookies, tortilla chips, oatmeal crème pies, white bread, sun chips, frosted corn flake cereal, pop tarts, popcorn, and potato chips. I kid you not, she had all of these in her pantry.

How often did my mom eat these things? I wanted to know. What she really meant was that she "snacks on the stuff all day" since she was constantly hungry. She claims to eat three square meals each day, but sometimes she nibbles on crackers, chips, and the like between meals. Then, about an hour after that, she gets hungry again, and she eats even more snacks.

Foods that set off the carbohydrate frenzy

If you consume the aforementioned carbs on a daily basis, you will have excessive hunger pangs every hour or two. Because of the fast rise and fall in blood sugar levels caused by these snacks, we feel the constant need to eat more throughout the day. There is no end to this vicious circle. We put ourselves at risk for weight gain, diabetes, and a number of other health issues when we continue down this path.

The secret to permanently overcoming your carb cravings

Reading this essay has given you the willpower to finally put an end to those desires. In order to help you start eating healthier and more consistently without cravings, here are some free tips!

Aim for a protein, carb, and fat balance with three square meals and two nutritious snacks daily. If you want to lose weight, this will help regulate your blood sugar, cut cravings in half, and speed up your metabolism (so you burn more calories naturally).

2. Delve into your pantry and maybe even your fridge for a while. Throw out all of the packaged snack foods, including cookies, crackers, white bread, chips, and fruit drinks. There is no nutritional benefit in these foods; they are just empty calories that will make you hungry and lead to weight gain more quickly.

3. Snack on protein powder, almonds, fruit, dipped vegetables, etc. Consume a modest amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fat with each snack. Your body benefits from these nutritious foods. Most importantly, they put an end to cravings while also providing your body with essential nutrients. You won't be as weary throughout the day, and you'll feel better overall.

4. Hydrate yourself thoroughly.

5. Cut back on your coffee intake. You know what? I just adore starting my day with a hot cup of coffee. Reducing your caffeine use to one or two cups per day can help those who are addicted to it. Caffeine does get the blood pumping and makes us feel energized and alert for a little while, but as the effects wear off and you "come back down," your body will want more carbs or more caffeine.

Eating well provides our bodies with the nutrients they need, which in turn improves our mood, which is the end goal. Please be patient, as this may require some time. Relax if you're a junk food addict who can't control their hunger pangs. If you need to, start out slowly. Changing your diet will require some time for your body to adapt. As your body readjusts to the nutritious foods, you can experience some unpleasant side effects for a few days or even a week. However, you'll experience immense joy at the conclusion!

The author, Jeff Lugeanbeal, retains all ownership rights.

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